Monday, March 26, 2012

Setting up goals

                Have you ever been through school and just fail at everything in class? I went through a lot of struggles going through starting from 8th grade all the way going through high school. The reason why I would do so badly in my classes is because I never set up goals for myself in class and never cared for what happen in class. So in my last year of high school I didn’t have enough credits to graduate. So in the end I just set up a goal of work hard and get all the credits I needed to graduate so I had to work really hard to accomplish my goal. I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy I had to go through night school and go to college course classes in order to graduate and at the same time worry about my classwork and homework. In the end I ended up accomplishing my goal and I felt really proud of myself that I accomplished something I really wanted. Now that I’m in Year Up I’ve had to set up goals for myself so that I won’t end up failing in this program.
 So I have set up goals in all of the classes I have. So my goal in my business communications class is to gain the knowledge of how to put good sentences together I know I struggle in writing a lot so I know that will help. A goal in my tech classes is to know everything that there needs to be learned and apply at home knowing computer software and hardware. The goal I’ve set up in my pro skills class is just to participate more because I know I’m shy and let that go away and be more talkative. My last goal is for my blog and my goal is to try to learn how to engage readers and try to make it fun.
I know these goals will help me move forward and be successful in life and just know that setting up goals always helps and once you’re finished with one create a new one