Monday, April 2, 2012

My types of advertisement

Are there any types of advertisements that you ignore or are there any that interest you? The types of advertisement that catch my attention are sports advertisements or any type that seems funny to me. Sport advertisements get my attention because they’re not always flashy they usually have dark colors and that’s what gets my attention that it’s dark and not flashy. Other types that get my attention are funny commercials. I like funny commercials because it brings out a laugh in me and that always makes me feel good. Sometimes watching them with other people is also good because everybody is laughing. Also one of my favorite types of commercials is m&m’s commercials just because most of them are really funny and they always get me laughing.
They type of advertisement that I don’t like are the ones that have to do with weight loss products and the ones that promote alcohol. The reasons why I don’t like those types of commercials are because in the weight loss type of advertisement most of them are fake.  A lot of people buy into the weight loss products and they don’t even help the people lose their weight and get mad about it but they can’t do anything about it. The reason why I abhor alcohol advertisement is because it’s something that I don’t like to do and also a lot of the advertisements always have to do with having a designated driver but it mainly focuses on the alcohol. A lot of people ignore the fact of having a designated driver and there are a lot of drunk drivers that cause accidents and always kill innocent people.  I think alcohol commercials should take an incentive and warn people of the real effects so people could be aware and lower the deaths in drunk driving.
So those are my favorite types of advertisements and dislikes of them and I know everybody has their own opinion.         

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